How To Handle Frame Damage After a Car Accident

Unfortunately, car accidents are a reality for many American drivers. Whether your fault or another driver’s fault, accidents can cause significant damage to your vehicle. Frame damage has always been thought of as a total loss. However, that is not necessarily the case. If your car’s frame has been damaged in an accident, here’s what you need to know.

Insurance Companies

The car insurance companies are for-profit institutions and may determine your vehicle is a total loss based on math calculations. That doesn’t mean that your unibody frame cannot be repaired. It basically means that the insurance company thinks it will cost too much to repair. Often frame straightening Lakewood CO may cost less than what the insurance pays for the total loss.

Skilled Technicians

Skilled auto body technicians can repair a unibody frame without damage to the undamaged frame pieces. The tech can achieve factory specs for the make and model and get you back on the road again. Your insurance company may choose to accept repair over replacement if the cost is less. The technicians handle the insurance paperwork and use diagnostic equipment to ensure the vehicle is safe to drive.

Modern Construction

In the past, cars were constructed using a frame separate from the body of the car. Modern cars generally use a unibody construction. The frame and body are one unit. Since they are one unit, damage to the body often means frame damage, but it is easier to repair than older models. One part of the frame may be a total loss without affecting the entire frame saving money.

Car accidents don’t have to result in a total loss. With the right auto body technician, the car’s unibody frame can be like new. Depending on your insurance company, this could be a cost-saving option for you. Finding a reliable ride can be quite the hassle, so repair the one you trust.