A vintage car, who has never dreamed of it? Coveted for their rarity and exclusiveness, vintage cars are turning the heads of auto enthusiasts.
True masterpieces, some cars have distinguished themselves in their creation, transcending all eras and giving life to what is now affectionately called a collector’s car. These vehicles have won the hearts of thousands of car enthusiasts without them satisfying their appetite. Designed in limited edition, vintage cars do not experience any discount. On the contrary, their value increases with the years, which makes their acquisition difficult and feeds even more the desire of the collectors.
Our advice for choosing your classic car
It is often wrong to think that a vintage car is priceless. In reality, this is not always the case. In 2018, it is quite possible to buy a vintage car. By precisely defining their needs and studying certain key criteria, lovers of beautiful cars can purchase a vintage car and be certain that it will bring them total satisfaction.
Choose the era of the car
A collector car is a vehicle that has been in circulation for over thirty years. That said, this purely technical definition does not fully reflect the reality, which is much more complex than it seems. Indeed, vintage cars are divided by eras. Thus, a vintage vehicle can be part of the Old Timer category (before World War II), as it can be classic (ex-factory between 1950 and 1980) or Young Timer (that is to say marketed after 1980).
Of course, each era implies that the vintage car will have its own characteristics. In the case of an Old Timer or conventional car, mechanical knowledge will be required, and replacement parts will be difficult to find. We do not encounter this kind of problem in Young Timers, because it is collector cars sum all contemporary.
Choose the model of the car
Of course, you should choose the model you want to buy. Going to any random collector car would not be very wise. Think in terms of the rarity of the model, think of the quality of its aesthetics, which should be typical of the era to which it belongs, do not forget the power of the engine or the brand awareness.
There is no doubt that you should ask all the seller’s bills before signing anything. Repairs, parts replacement, maintenance costs, technical control of the collection car, everything is good to take! What’s more, know that if the vehicle still has its original parts, it will sell more expensive because more authentic. For more information on this visit Clasiq page.
Choose the seller of the car
You can buy a vintage car in different ways. You can go through an auction sale, which will allow you to access a wide variety of models. You can also get closer to a dealer specialized in vintage cars, which guarantees you to find a car well maintained although logically more expensive. Otherwise, you still sell between individuals with all the flaws and good surprises that implies!